Being in nature with a camera is for me a form of dance. First I see "nothing", then the landscape begins to live, my attention is directed to a form or a few lines and then there are an infinite number of lines, shapes and motifs. I get into a flow zone and the hours disappear. A "photo dance" by the sea or in the mountains can form the basis of many images in various combinations. For many years I worked with abstract paintings and I therefore unconsciously seek abstract qualities in nature, such as the energy and extent of color, the meaning of spaces and the rhythms of lines. Abstract approach to nature is to be in the lines, in the forms, in the materiality and the formative qualities of light without regard for what these qualities themselves are part of. The colors of nature are something in themselves, the materiality of the moss is something in itself, the darkness and light have a life of their own, and often break with the form. In this series of pictures I compose different areas of different qualities; the materiality of stone or a rock wall, the softness of moss and grass, and the many colors and reflections of the water tables. The pictures are mainly taken in a protected nature area called Moutmarka at the tip of the island of Tjøme in southeastern Norway.